29 research outputs found

    Evaluating the Underlying Gender Bias in Contextualized Word Embeddings

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    Gender bias is highly impacting natural language processing applications. Word embeddings have clearly been proven both to keep and amplify gender biases that are present in current data sources. Recently, contextualized word embeddings have enhanced previous word embedding techniques by computing word vector representations dependent on the sentence they appear in. In this paper, we study the impact of this conceptual change in the word embedding computation in relation with gender bias. Our analysis includes different measures previously applied in the literature to standard word embeddings. Our findings suggest that contextualized word embeddings are less biased than standard ones even when the latter are debiased

    Aplicaci贸n del tracking basado en puntos caracter铆sticos a la cinemometr铆a del tr谩fico

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    El hecho de que el exceso de velocidad sea una de las principales causas de accidentes en carretera hace que la medici贸n y control de la velocidad del tr谩fico rodado cobre cada d铆a mayor importancia. El objetivo del presente trabajo es el desarrollo de un cinem贸metro de tr谩fico que haga uso 煤nicamente de t茅cnicas de visi贸n artificial, es decir, implementar un software que tome como entrada una secuencia de v铆deo tomada de una c谩mara de tr谩fico y sea capaz de generar como salida la misma informaci贸n que un cinem贸metro basado en el efecto Doppler, es decir, la velocidad del veh铆culo que en ese momento circula dentro de su campo de acci贸n

    English-Catalan Neural Machine Translation in the Biomedical Domain through the cascade approach

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    This paper describes the methodology followed to build a neural machine translation system in the biomedical domain for the English-Catalan language pair. This task can be considered a low-resourced task from the point of view of the domain and the language pair. To face this task, this paper reports experiments on a cascade pivot strategy through Spanish for the neural machine translation using the English-Spanish SCIELO and Spanish-Catalan El Peri\'odico database. To test the final performance of the system, we have created a new test data set for English-Catalan in the biomedical domain which is freely available on request.Comment: Full workshop proceedings can be found at https://multilingualbio.bsc.es/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/LREC-2018-PROCEEDINGS-MultilingualBIO.pd

    Syntax-driven Iterative Expansion Language Models for Controllable Text Generation

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    The dominant language modeling paradigm handles text as a sequence of discrete tokens. While that approach can capture the latent structure of the text, it is inherently constrained to sequential dynamics for text generation. We propose a new paradigm for introducing a syntactic inductive bias into neural text generation, where the dependency parse tree is used to drive the Transformer model to generate sentences iteratively. Our experiments show that this paradigm is effective at text generation, with quality between LSTMs and Transformers, and comparable diversity, requiring less than half their decoding steps, and its generation process allows direct control over the syntactic constructions of the generated text, enabling the induction of stylistic variations.Comment: Accepted at the EMNLP 2020 Workshop on Structured Prediction for NL


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    Suelen denominarse ciudades inteligentes a las urbes que adoptan modelos de planificaci贸n y acci贸n basados en la implementaci贸n de infraestructuras relacionadas al uso de las TIC (Tecnolog铆as de la Informaci贸n y Comunicaci贸n), para obtener informaci贸n auxiliar en la toma de decisiones, frente a los problemas de las regiones urbanas, que constituyen amenazas a la sustentabilidad de las ciudades. Existen diversas aproximaciones conceptuales respecto a lo que se considera ciudad inteligente, todas ellas confluyen en el necesario uso de las TIC y se tiende a promover su adquisici贸n como la base de inteligencia para estos tipos de modelos, otorgando frecuentemente cualidades progresivas y favorables hacia una ciudad con enfoque sustentable, mientras se omiten efectos adversos que pueden presentarse. El presente trabajo analiza las connotaciones de inteligencia de la ciudad inteligente; considerando que 茅stas acepciones influyen en la tendencia a la adopci贸n de modelos de ciudad que basar谩n su inteligencia, ya sea en la mera adquisici贸n de infraestructura tecnol贸gica o, por otro lado, en la transformaci贸n de las relaciones sociales con un enfoque hacia la sustentabilidad a trav茅s del uso de las TIC. Para tal fin, se realiza una revisi贸n de diferentes propuestas te贸ricas sobre el tema de ciudades inteligentes bajo la consideraci贸n de que la inteligencia de una ciudad radique solamente en los procesos y procedimientos automatizados, con la instalaci贸n de sensores tecnol贸gicos y TIC para resolver problemas de manera autom谩tica. Al final, se concluye que la inteligencia suele ser un t茅rmino atractivo en los conceptos de ciudad inteligente, para establecer una diferencia significativa respecto a ciudades tradicionales y convencionales, planteando como una necesidad la adquisici贸n de dispositivos y sensores tecnol贸gicos como requisito para ser denominadas inteligentes

    A qualitative study on the social representations of populism and democracy in Peru

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    The purpose of this paper is to describe and analyze the social representations of democracy, populism and the relationship between both concepts in a sample of citizens from different regions of Peru (n = 76). To this end, a qualitative research design was proposed, using in-depth interviews, which were analyzed from a discursive approach. The results show that democracy and populism are two closely related concepts in tension. On the one hand, the social representation of democracy is semantically poor, closely related to electoral behavior and is seen as a political system that, ideally, is positively valued. Populism, on the other hand, is seen as a political strategy based on the manipulation of citizens' needs in order to reach power using the democratic process of elections. The representation of populism in general is negative, and it is mentioned that it appears and acquires strength in the face of citizen dissatisfaction with democracy, when it cannot solve problems of poverty, corruption or exclusion. The representations of populism take up the constitutive components proposed by different authors on the topic (people, elites and democracy as a product of popular will), but the participants do not necessarily structure the relationships between these components as proposed in the academic literature. Finally, the results shows that respondents' experiences with democracy and populism in Peru act as important socializing forces that will frame how citizens relate to politics and the public